National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) General Information
The National Junior Honor Society is an international student organization, recognizing students that demonstrate five standards or pillars: Character, Citizenship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. Here at Holmes, NJHS members serve as leaders in our school and within the classroom. They represent Holmes through service projects both at school and throughout the community.
In order for 7th graders to be considered for NJHS, students must have a 3.667 cumulative GPA for first semester and have received 1's and 2's for citizenship. A detailed explanation for citizenship scores can be found in our Student Handbook. There will be no wiggle room for GPAs or Citizenship scores. The requirements will be followed when allowing students to apply.
Shortly after first semester grades are submitted, Mrs. Austin will meet with students that have met the GPA and citizenship requirements for consideration in joining the Holmes chapter of NJHS.
Eligible students will get an invitation early in February and will meet with Mrs. Austin to find out the additional requirements and to learn more about the application process.
One of those requirements will be 20 community service hours, so start collecting them now! Anything from the time a student leaves 6th grade until the applications are due in April can count for hours. Students will keep track of their own hours on a community service tracking form that will be made available at the beginning of each school year. Students that choose to apply must have 12 hours of community service completed by the application deadline.
For students interested in earning a place on NJHS, we have set up a Google Classroom site where we will be posting opportunities throughout the year for volunteer activities. This is also where students will track service hours and turn in required documents as they work on their applications. Please check with Mrs. Austin for the code to join.
For more information regarding Holmes National Junior Honor Society, please email Mrs. Austin at kaustin2@livoniapublicschools.org