Fall Teams
Fall Sports Information
Click on the links to the left for information on a specific Fall sport.
All students must have a signed, valid MHSAA Physical Form (see link below) on file no later than the tryout date for the sport they are trying out for. To be valid for the 2024-25 school year, a sport physical must be dated AFTER APRIL 15, 2024.
- MHSAA Physical Form: https://www.mhsaa.com/sites/default/files/2022-06/physical2page.pdf
- FinalForms Step by Step Instructions: Livonia Parent Playbook.pdf
- FinalForms Link: https://livonia-mi.finalforms.com
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Wojciechowski (Athletic Director) at nwojciec2@livoniapublicschools.org