Cross Country
Welcome and thank you for showing interest in the Holmes Cross Country program.
The first practice is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27 from 3:00-4:30pm.
All athletes must bring their own water bottles, no sharing, please put your name on them.
- All practices will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays.
- There are no practices or games on Thursdays or on half-days or when school is not in session.
- All Sports Physicals must be uploaded to FinalForms before the first tryout: NO PHYSICAL, NO PRACTICE!
- More information on the meet schedule and other items will be passed out at the first practice.
- All runners need to be able to run 1 mile by the end of the first week without walking. If an athlete is unable to complete this requirement, the coaches will discuss other opportunities to pursue in running.
- All meets are on Wednesdays and start at 4:00pm. All meets are run on 2 mile courses.
- You must have rides ready for pick up at 4:30pm on practice days and immediately after meets. Late pick ups may result in removal from the team.
- Girls Coach: Kellee Lee
- Boys Coach: Russ Keberly
- Wednesday, September 11 - HOME vs Emerson 4:00pm
- Wednesday, September 18 - AWAY @ Meads Mill (Cass Benton) 4:00pm
- Wednesday, September 25 - AWAY @ Frost 4:00pm
- Wednesday, October 2 - AWAY @ Novi Middle School 4:00pm
- Wednesday, October 9 - HOME City Meet @ Frost 4:00pm
- Wednesday, October 16 - AWAY @ (Cass Benton) KLMSL Meet - 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 and 5:30pm