Cell Phone Policy
Holmes Electronic Device Policy
Telephones are available in the Main Office and in every classroom should a student need one.
Personal electronic devices (cell phones, headphones/AirPods, smartwatches, video games, etc.) may not be used during the school hours of 7:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. unless directed by a teacher. Technology use is for educational purposes and under teacher direction only.
Students may not carry their cell phones in their pockets, pencil cases, or waistbands. Cell phones should be stored in their lockers during the entire school day.
Students with diabetes who require access to a smartphone to monitor and manage their diabetes care will be exempt from this policy.
Pictures and videos are not permitted without teacher permission. Taking a picture/video of another person without their consent is a violation of privacy.
Social media (ex. Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) should not be used during school hours.
Students who are found in violation of the guidelines stated above will have their cell phones confiscated and turned over to an administrator.
Students found using their smartwatches other than to tell time will be subject to the process listed below.
Violation Process
- First Offense: The student will have to turn in their phone to the office for the remainder of the day. An email will be sent home on Mrs. Cousino’s and Mrs. Dykstra’s behalf.
- Second Offense: The student will have to turn in their phone to the office before 1st hour and pick it up after 6th hour for three days. An email will be sent home on Mrs.Cousino’s and Mrs. Dykstra’s behalf.
- Third Offense: The student will have to turn in their phone to the office before 1st hour and pick it up after 6th hour for five days. An email will be sent home on Mrs. Cousino's and Mrs. Dykstra’s behalf AND administration will contact the parent/guardian.
- Fourth Offense: The student will have to turn in their phone to the office before 1st hour and pick it up after 6th hour for 10 days. An email will be sent home on Mrs. Cousino's and Mrs. Dykstra’s behalf AND administration will contact the parent/guardian.